Speaking of Teens
Episode #39: Why Teens Lie, What Helps, And How To Talk To Them About It
Lying. It’s always up there with “Cheating and Stealing”. And none of it sounds too good when we’re talking about our own teenager.
No one wants to believe their kid could lie to them. And once it happens, it’s terribly hard to for us to trust them again. They may lie to us directly, conveniently leave out specific information, or even avoid our questions entirely by steering the conversation.
Why is it that teenagers seem to lie so frequently and about so many different things? Is it rebellion? Is it a character flaw? And can the way we parent impact their need to lie to us? The answer is yes, it can.
Join me this week as we examine why teens lie, what we can do to help prevent it and how to talk to them when we’ve caught them in a lie.
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Access transcript here.
Additional Resources:
The Right to Do Wrong: Lying to Parents Among Adolescents and Emerging Adults
Predictors of Adolescents' Disclosures to Parents
Individual and Issue-Specific Differences in Parental Knowledge and Adolescent Disclosure
Rules, Legitimacy of Parental Authority, and Obligation to Obey
You might be interested in one or more of the following FREE GUIDES:
“10 Keys to Unlock Your Teen’s Emotional Intelligence”
“The Challenging Adolescent Brain” (e-book)
“Emotional Awareness Strategies” (for parents)
“Why Doesn’t My Teen Sleep?” (e-book)
“Communication for Teen Cooperation”