
Speaking of Teens

#54: “Big Social Media”, The Surgeon General And Teen Mental Health


This past week the Surgeon General’s Advisory about Social Media and Youth Mental Health has been all over the news. Mostly, people have hit the highlights and chimed in with their own opinion.

But let’s dig a little deeper. Why are so many of our kids in a position of having to choose between their mental health and their social connection with peers?

The Surgeon General’s Advisory highlights the most important science to date but still leaves parents without a lot of assistance or direction. Can the government step in and resolve any of the issues teens face on social? What about the Social Media companies – they made this mess; can they fix it? Or is up to parents to continue to try and police their teens (and the teens to police themselves)?

Join me this week as I try to answer these questions by digging into leaked documents, teen mental health advisories, the science, and the laws many federal and state politicians are looking to pass.

I make this show just for you so if you have any feedback regarding this episode or any others or would like to suggest a future show, I’d love to hear from you!  You can reach me anytime at 864-313-7277 or acoleman@neurogility.com.

Access transcript here.

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Sources, Resources and Mentions:

Surgeon General's Advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health

American Psychological Association's Health Advisory on Social Media Use in Adolescence

Social Media: What Teenagers Think and What Parents Don’t Know

White House Task Force 

Granite Mill Fire Sept. 19, 1874 New York Herald

Protecting Children From Social Media

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